hello from pansy


hello pansies!

It’s Alina - big boss pansy here. This is the news section on the pansy website that my very talented designer and cool friend Beau Colin has built for me. My hope is for it to be updated every now and then with exciting pansy news, behind the scenes, or some longer stories that might not make it to social media. And what a nice way to keep a record of this tiny business that I’m trying to build in the middle of a global pandemic, right?

I want to share a bit more with you about pansy. I’ve come to realise that ‘pansy’ is an english word which doesn’t appear very often in Dutch. Pansy is a type of garden flower that comes in all kinds of beautiful, bright, weird colour combinations (and inspired the colour palette for the branding) pansies are sometimes otherwise known as violas, jump up and kiss me, love in idleness, pink of my john, and the word ‘pansy’ derives from french word ‘pensée’ for thought. So when you gift someone a pansy, perhaps it could be an gesture of attentiveness and care. On the other hand, pansy is also slang for sissy, an effeminate person, pathetic or a bit wimpy. I love the symbolic and semantic history of pansy and hope I can encompass both meanings of thoughtfulness, strength and sensitivity in the way that I share pansy with the world.

Pansy is also my favourite flower :-)



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