hi I’m Lisa!

cute illustration by Lisa
cute illustration by Lisa

Hello allemaal!

I have an exciting announcement to share with you. Starting from February 2021 I’m working with an intern from the Willem de Kooning Academie! Her name is Lisa and she’ll be here helping with all kinds of jobs from studio organising, planning and organising workshops and events, and learning the ins and outs of running a shop/studio business.

It didn’t feel like that long ago that I myself was somebody else’s intern, assistant, and doing work experience at various studios, galleries, and arts organisations. I feel extra privileged to have this help from Lisa and to share my few years of experience with her, and for us to get to know and learn from each other!

So far Lisa and I have only been able to meet due to lockdown restrictions and some snowy weather delays, but I’m hoping she’ll be able to join me at pansy in the studio very soon! I thought it would be fun to share more about Lisa and her world so I asked her a couple questions to share here:

Hi my name is Lisa! I will be Lina’s intern from February till June.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m a third year illustration student from Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. I like everything creative but focus mainly on drawing, ceramics and making jewelry. Things I like to visualize are simple daily life moments, doodles about dreaming and food. Mostly in pastel colors.

Why did you choose Pansy to do an internship?

Pansy caught my eye because of its colorful shapes and pretty ceramics. What I mostly liked is how Lina combines these two things in her work. She made a whole world ✨ out of Pansy and I would love to learn everything about it.

If you were a flower which flower would you be?

Oh I think I would be a daisy 🌼 they are so fresh looking and can grow everywhere!

What’s your favourite color?

My favorite color is purple 💜 I own at least 5 purple sweaters/shirts oops.

What’s your favorite thing to make?

My favorite things to make are things I can wear, like earrings and necklaces. Check out my Instagram to see my work: https://www.instagram.com/metmnhoofdindewolken/

What’s your dream?

My dream ☁️ is to have a job where I can be creative all the time. I would love to own a little shop 🛍️ where I could sell my own jewelry in the future.

What are you most looking forward to in the next 6 months?

Working together on awesome projects with Lina and see them come alive. But also having fun while making and learning!


flower weekend


love worms are in the air!