jolina at pansy

My best friend Jojo is coming to visit me! Let’s make some special things together! Like a cuppa Jo - a mini program dedicated to childhood friendships, poop conversations, our love (addiction) to TikTok, and cherishing the time we have together. The program includes breakfast and presentation talks, a beaded BFF ceramic charm necklace making workshop, and an evening of sharing hot takes.

Brekky with Jolina
Saturday 18 December 9.30 - 10.30am

Breakfast is Jojo’s favourite meal of the day. I have been lucky enough to live with her for short periods and you do not want to meet Jo before her morning meal. Join us for a special edition of breakfast with Jolina (i.e. the two of us!) where we share our favourite breakfast foods with you, frothy milky cappuccinos, and talk about our friendship, collaborative projects, residencies, and living far away from each other. An indulgent and heartwarming morning.

This event is free, but please register in advance here.

BFF ceramic necklace charm workshop
Saturday 18 December
11.00am - 1.30pm OR 2.00 - 4.30pm

Make your own BFF ceramic necklace charm with Jo & Lina! Bring and book with your best friend, or come alone and make a new bestie! (spots are limited as we can only have 5 participants per workshop) 

All materials are included, and we will also be beading the necklaces together. The ceramic charm will be ready to pick up by Wednesday 22 December.

Bookings essential! Please book here.

TikTalks: Jolina’s hot takes on TikToks
Sunday 19 December 3.30 - 5pm

After many TikTok spirals Jojo recently deleted the app off her phone, but thinks about TikTok every day. Let’s indulge our addictions to the app and hear each other’s hot takes on various TikToks, share our favourite ones and talk through why the heck TikTok is so ridiculous (and fun.)

Drinks, snacks included, come for a fun time with us! 

Please book in advance here, we can only host a small group in the space.


sparkly season


wallflower exhibition